Tuesday, January 29, 2013

January 29 - Workouts and Foods!

Ok, well I suppose I will get back to blogging. I may as well start writing about my time here in Bahrain and my daily activities. So I've been on a fitness high for the past week or so, so I guess I will begin by blogging about my exercise routines and eating habits. Here we go!

Today we did the "Trouble Area" Circuit, to blast our inner thighs, triceps, and love handles. They look like this:

15 plank jacks
20 plie squats
10 side lunges (each side)
15 squat with knee ups (each)

50 mountain climbers
20 dips with legs out
10 pike presses
1 minute reverse plank

40 speed skaters
50 Russian twists
15 side plank hip lifts (right side)
30 bicycle crunches
15 side plank hip lifts (left side)

Repeat this routine 3 times for the full effect!

We made some adjustments when our bodies couldn't tolerate certain exercises. For instance, we started out with the dips with legs out and made the adjustment to bring our knees in to a 45 degree angle after the first set. Eventually we'll work our way to the extended leg dips. But to make up for our deficiency, we added 5 lb weights to our Russian twists for a more effective ab/love handle work out. Also, don't underestimate the speed skaters, as cheesy as they look, they are killer on the muffin top! The lower you get your butt, the deeper the burn!

I try my hardest to maintain proper form, but usually by the end of round 2, my body is shaking and my muscles are aching. So I may not always keep good form, but I make sure that I always finish the exercise!

Side note: do not eat hard-boiled eggs or sweets, like a cupcake, within 1 hour before exercise. You will want to puke. It is not a comfortable feeling while you are already stressing your body over exercise. Now onto the food part...

I have found a few different meals and snacks that I thoroughly enjoying eating throughout the day that are either full of protein or are light on the stomach. I will map out what I consumed today:

Homemade egg mcmuffin: whole wheat English muffin, poached egg, Canadian bacon, a LITTLE bit of shredded cheese, and spicy brown mustard.

Hard boiled egg: with a dash of pink Himalayan salt (the difference between that and sea salt is beyond me).

Funfetti Cupcake: made with yellow cake mix and nerds for the funfetti, and a vanilla glaze on top. I usually don't eat sweets, so I treated myself to something nice today. Unfortunately it was right before I worked out so it left me wanting to throw up.

Chicken Phad Thai: If you don't know what it is, you're wrong! I know I splurged by eating noodles, but to make up for it I only ate about 1/3 of the serving. Also, I ordered it really spicy to get my internal organs working over time!

Cranberry Juice: about 8 oz. If I'm going to have juice, I may as well make it a healthier choice.

Coffee: yes, with LIGHT cream and sweetener.

Water: LOTS of water... flush the nasty coffee creamer out of my system.

I did not consume them today (yet), but here are a couple of my favorite snacks when I want to eat healthy and still feel full.

Cucumber-Avocado Salad: I just chop up half a cucumber and half an avocado and drizzle it with some Lite Italian Dressing. It's so delicious and refreshing.

Apple and Cinnamon: Exactly how it sounds, I chop up a large sweet apple and sprinkle a little cinnamon over the top. If I want or need the extra protein, I get a spoonful of peanut butter (preferably chunky). If the peanut butter runs out on my spoon, I am SOL! Don't overindulge! It may be high in protein, but too much of anything is not good for you. Limit yourself to one spoonful.

Cherry Tomatoes: The smaller the tomato, the better, in my opinion. I prefer my tomatoes to be less sweet and more fresh and crunchy. I chop my cherry tomatoes in halves and sprinkle a little bit of salt over them. DELICIOUS!

Greek Yogurt and Strawberries: I'd say 4 oz of Greek yogurt and a handful of chopped strawberries mixed is a perfect breakfast or snack. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any Greek yogurt at the store on base here lately. But if you are a yogurt eater, try switching to the Greek, it is super high in protein and low in sugar, it is much better for you than regular yogurt.

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