Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Calves and Quads

Today, Haley brought us an exercise to work our calves, quads, and back muscles. I've noticed that my quad muscles have been getting much bigger in proportion to my calves, so I was thankful for this workout. We started off on the treadmill, looking like this:

Incline: 8-12      Time: 20 min.      Speed: 5
(or speed: 4, depending on the machine configuration)

Min.     Incline
0-1           4
1-2           8
2-3           9
3-4         10
4-5         11
5-6         12
6-8           8
8-9           9
9-11         10
11-12       11
12-13       12
13-14         9
14-15       10
15-16       11
16-17       12
17-18         8
18-19       10
19-20        12

Even though it's at a walking speed, you will get a killer calf workout due to the inclines and will work up a sweat by the end of it.

If only I could remember what exactly we did next.... We worked our shoulder and back muscles and then moved on to quads. Since I don't remember the workout exactly, nor the names of the workouts, I'll post a few examples of what I do remember.

Bent over rows
Bow and Arrows
Single arm rows (I believe?)

We did a lot more stuff for the back, which I can't remember for the life of me right now. Most of which we did sets of 15.

Jump Overs
Squat Splits (?)
Donkey Kicks
and one other I can't remember the name of...

We did each for 2 min. with 1 min. rest in between.

Overall, it was a good workout and we were activating our muscles and pumping our blood.

After workout meal: Protein smoothie!! Yay! I used a couple of ice cubes, ~1/2 cup water, ~1/2 cup strawberries, ~1/2 cup peaches, and 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder. If you don't have one, invest in a blender!!

Side note: If you read this, feel free to leave a comment correcting me and adding missed exercises, Haley! I thought today's exercise was great and would like to have it logged for future reference.

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