Wednesday, January 30, 2013

If I had a scale...

A few weeks ago I weighed myself at about 132 lbs. My ultimate goal is to get down to 120 lbs by April 1st (vacation time!) in a healthy way. That means I have to lose 12 lbs in 8.5 weeks, that's averaging about 1.5 lbs per week. It's a stretch, but it's obtainable. I started working out and minding what I eat about two weeks ago and have not weighed myself in about three or so weeks. So I estimated that I started this journey at about 132 lbs.

I have to say, if I had a scale, it might possibly tell me that I weigh around 130 or even slightly below! Even if the scale doesn't say so, my body is shedding fat and flab and starting to tone up. Within TWO weeks I've noticed a huge improvement in my body image. SO, even if the scale doesn't agree with me, I know that I am getting healthier and leaner. So stay encouraged and don't get down if the scale is not making you happy. What matters is how you feel when you look in the mirror. Of course we may not always be completely satisfied, but progress is what we're looking for! Set obtainable, HEALTHY, goals and don't quit until you reach them.

If I can do it, you can DEFINITELY do it!

...and get lots of rest! Ok, goodnight!

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